Category: Mens Health
REI Patagonia Sale November 2024: Take up to 50% off Editor-Loved Outdoor Gear
WE’RE DEEP INTO FALL, which means it’s time to pull out those cold weather garments. It’s also a perfect time…
Man with Terminal Cancer Diagnosis Finishes the Ironman World Championship
Jonathan Pascual, a 50-year-old transplant nurse from Vallejo, California was diagnosed with Stage 4 mediastinal paraganglioma in 2022, a rare…
November Brooks Running Shoe Sale: Save up to 40% on Editor-Tested Sneakers
BLACK FRIDAY DEALS are still a couple of weeks away, but the sales are already coming in hot. Among said…
How Walking Affects the Body, at 2 Minutes, 10 Minutes and 30 Minutes a Day According to the Research
While a simple walk may not give you the same high intensity hit as your MetCon, the health benefits can…
5 Things to Know About Flexon Frames
You probably don’t think too much about your eyeglasses—until they either start to hurt after you’ve worn them all day,…
Therapy Helped This Grammy-Winning Trio Level Up
Fifteen years ago, when James Hunt connected with bandmates Jon George and Tyrone Lindqvist of the Grammy-winning trio, RÜFÜS DU…
The Slam-Dunk Tech Gifts to Buy at Walmart
1 Garmin Forerunner 55 Now 15% Off Trackers and counters are nothing new, but a smart watch designed specifically for…
5 Reasons to Keep a Victorinox Rescue Tool in Your Car
If you’re a car guy, your vehicle’s no doubt already stocked with all the obvious stuff you need in case…
If Your Election Stress Has Hit New Levels, Here’s What to Do
THE STATS ARE there—like how seven out of ten adults say the future of the nation is a significant source…
Sexplain It: Perimenopause Has Killed My Wife’s Libido. I’m Now a Horny Mess.
I’m Zachary Zane, a sex columnist and author of Boyslut: A Memoir and Manifesto. Over the years, I’ve had my…