Dental discount plans are not actually insurance policies. When you sign up, the company contracts with a network of providers who consent to reduce their treatment fees, including fees for braces.
Keep in mind that not all services may be available with dental discount plans and you must use a dentist in the plan’s network to be eligible for the discount. The amount of savings you get depends on where you live and the plan you choose, but typical discounts range from 10% to 60% for in-network services.
Unlike dental insurance, dental discount plans generally don’t have deductibles, waiting periods or annual maximum coverage caps. Annual dental discount plans can cost $100 for a single person or $150 for a family.
A dental discount plan might be a good fit for you if you need major dental work, and especially if you need multiple dental procedures during the year. But note that even with the discount, you will still wind up paying a hefty amount of your dental care.
If you’re considering a dental discount plan for braces, contact some of the dentists in the network and ask what the discounted cost would be to determine how much you would save by using the plan.