Look, we get it. Whether it comes to clothes or books or tech or even fragrance, there is a certain thrill when you have something no one else does. But there’s also something to be said about popularity. Popular things become popular for a reason: because they work. That’s why we all gravitate toward certain products—they just get the job done, and get it done well.
Fragrance is no exception, but it’s also one of those industries where people tend to look down on popularity. We’ve never really understood that. Popularity isn’t a bad thing. Sure,
colognes follow trends just like everything else, but popular best selling colognes often transcend trends because they just smell damn good. Really, that’s the only requirement for a cologne, right? It just needs to smell good enough for you to want to wear it.
Whether you’re new to fragrance or a seasoned expert, don’t look down your nose at popular colognes. Sure, you may know other guys that have it or wear it often, but that doesn’t mean it won’t also smell good on you. And, for the record, fragrance has a unique property in that it interacts with your own body chemistry, so even if you’re wearing the same scent as the guy standing next to you, it still might smell different. We’ve compiled this list of the best selling, iconic fragrances because, yes, they’ve earned their well-deserved popularity, but they also deserve a place in your rotation. There’s something here for everyone, which shouldn’t surprise you. They’re best sellers, after all.