MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND will be here before we know it, and with it comes a host of major sales. The holiday is an excellent time to shop and save, whether you’re looking for new fashion finds, running sneakers, or outdoor gear.
While you wait for official deals to drop, allow us to introduce you to a secret savings section on a site you know and shop often: Amazon. The retailer has a secret, hidden outlet section where you can save up to 50 percent off across categories.
We rounded up the best tech, home, outdoor gear, fashion, and footwear deals you can shop in advance of the long weekend. We’re also giving you insight into how to find the secret section, so you can continue to shop deals throughout spring and summer to save on your Amazon spending.
Amazon Overstock Tech Deals
Amazon Overstock Outdoor Deals
Amazon Overstock Men’s Fashion Deals
Amazon Overstock Men’s Footwear Deals
Amazon Overstock Home Deals
How to Find the Amazon Overstock Outlet
Finding the Amazon Outlet is not as complicated as you might think. If you’re on a desktop, click the “All” button on the top left corner of the Amazon homepage. This will open up Amazon’s different shopping sections. From there, scroll down and click “Programs & Features,” then “See all” and you’ll see “Amazon Outlet.” Click here and you’ll be taken to the Amazon Outlet homepage where you can shop via category, or search for specific products in the search bar.
If you’re on the Amazon app, you can type “Amazon Outlet” into the search bar, and you’ll be redirected to the outlet homepage.
Is the Amazon Overstock Outlet Only for Prime Members?
Nope! You can shop Amazon Outlet deals even if you’re not a Prime member. But, Prime members do get access to select deals on products outside of the outlet, fast and free shipping, plus some first chances to shop deals around major savings events, like Prime Day.
More of the Best Amazon Finds
Amazon Running Shoe Deals | Amazon Outdoor Gear Sale | Amazon Golf Deals | Amazon Warehouse Tech Deals | Amazon Secret Coupon Deals | Amazon Spring Jacket Sales