“The commercial landscapers and industry professionals are now very familiar with crape myrtle bark scale,” Wootten said. “Cooperative Extension has emphasized the crape myrtle bark scale in our workshops and continuing education since it was discovered here in 2020.”
So what should you do if you suspect crape myrtle bark scale on your tree?
“Crape myrtle bark scale does not harm the overall health of the trees and may not need treatment,” Kunkel said. “Natural predators, lady beetles and lacewings often keep populations suppressed.”
Indiscriminately spraying trees can kill the bark scale’s natural enemies, often without impacting the scales. Kunkel does not recommend using neonicotinoid pesticides. While neonicotinoids are effective against the crape myrtle bark scale, these insecticides may contribute to the decline in pollinator populations.
“Then you’ve created an enemy-free space, meaning there is nothing to eat the scales, and their populations will explode,” Kunkel said. “However, treatment can preserve the beauty of your tree. Left unchecked, crape myrtle bark scale can reduce flowering. Honeydew covers the trunk and branches, which are quickly colonized by unsightly black sooty mold.”
Small groupings of crape myrtle bark scale can simply be squashed or scraped off the tree. Empty scales remain on a tree even after the insects have died, so it can be difficult to gauge the level of active infestation.
So if you spot these invasive insects on a tree near you, don’t fret. Delawareans can contact the UD Cooperative Extension’s garden helpline. This free resource is available year-round and offers help on a variety of gardening topics.
Help UD track this insect’s movement in New Castle County. To report any potential sightings of crape myrtle bark scale, call the New Castle County Master Gardeners at 302-831-8862.