The pathway to health is bright

When reading the Gospels, we encounter Christ Jesus healing individual after individual, bringing freedom from sickness and disease of all kinds. In our own lives, maybe health doesn’t always feel so accessible.

But Jesus said that he’s “the way,” and that his burden was light. He showed that finding health isn’t a drudge or ever impossible. Following him is joyful. There are myriad accounts in the archives of The Christian Science Publishing Society that illustrate how, even without the physical Jesus around, healing through prayer is within reach, and nothing’s truly holding us back from it. Here’s a selection of those experiences.

The joy of affirming health” describes how prayerfully pursuing the truth of our spiritual wholeness can be a joyful venture that leads to a quick cure.

The author of “Uplifted outlook and renewed eyesight” illustrates that witnessing God’s limitless love for us can naturally restore our faculties to normalcy.

The ‘eternal noon’ of existence” relates how we have the authority to challenge the widely held expectation that we’re doomed to suffer from age-related injuries as we mature, through the confidence, and evidence, that as God’s child our health is free of any material measurement of time.

In “To calmly persist,” the author shares that we can overcome protracted or seemingly incurable problems as we open ourselves to the truth of our eternal wellness, and find that there’s hope and joy at every step.

Author: Health Watch Minute

Health Watch Minute Provides the latest health information, from around the globe.