UK men focus more on physical fitness than mental health, study shows

A survey of 1,000 men revealed that only 43% often contemplate their mental wellbeing, this is compared to a larger 53% who regularly consider their physical fitness.

The study found that the average man believes they need to exercise a minimum of three times-a-week to be considered as ‘healthy’, concentrating on the physical rather mental portrayal of health.

A spokesperson from Vitabiotics Wellman, the company behind the research, stated: “Many men are accustomed to pushing through physical and emotional challenges, and while strength is admirable, prioritising both body and mind is crucial.”

“Mental health is as foundational to our well-being as physical fitness, impacting our resilience, relationships, and overall quality of life. Embracing mental health care doesn’t mean compromising on physical goals or strength – instead, it enhances our ability to perform at our best in all areas.”

Most men associated being physically healthy with having lots of energy (54%), low body fat (48%) and being able to exercise without getting tired (47%)

Man running along the road
Despite being conscious of their physical health over a third claim they don’t have the time to prioritise it
Getty Images)

Interestingly, three quarters claimed they never smoke cigarettes, and typically take 6,000 steps-a-day to feel at their best. A third said they could touch their toes without bending knees, and 21% could run a mile without stopping.

However, only 60% believe they could manage to carry moderately heavy shopping bags for 50 metres, and 48% of respondents wouldn’t be able to hold their breath for 30 seconds.

Moreover, nearly half (48%) are concerned about their lack of motivation to achieve good health. Over a third claim they don’t have the time to prioritise their health, and 28% think it’s too expensive, considering the costs of food, gym memberships, and sportswear.

A spokesperson for Wellman added: “Good health starts from within. It’s about how you nourish your body, maintain energy, and prioritise your overall wellbeing. Our research highlights the importance of physical activity and making healthier lifestyle choices.”

“True health is about balance – when you feel your best physically, it has a positive impact on every aspect of your life, from work to personal relationships.”

Author: Health Watch Minute

Health Watch Minute Provides the latest health information, from around the globe.