The Full Results of the Men’s Health Guys and Guns Survey

WHEN MEN’S HEALTH surveyed American male gun owners, the results were striking. You’ll find all our featured survey results below, but for our takeaways and analysis, head here.

Guys Who First Fired a Gun:

Under the Age of 18:

  • 57% own a gun primarily for protection
  • 35% own for hunting
  • 8% other

Guys Who First Fired a Gun:

Between the Ages of 18 and 24:

  • 79% own for protection
  • 15% own for hunting
  • 6% other

Men Who Own One Gun Reported a …

  • 2x higher rate of having fired a gun in anger
  • 50% higher rate of having fired a gun in fear
  • 60% higher rate of having threatened someone with a gun
  • 25% higher rate of having injured someone with a gun

. . . than men who own four-plus guns.

silhouettes of two heads in profile one blue and one red facing each other with sound waves emanating from their mouths

Gun Owners Who Identify as:


  • 45% Own 1 gun
  • 15% Own 4+ guns


  • 27% Own 1 gun
  • 28% Own 4+ guns

When We Asked Survey Respondents:

“Have you ever fired a gun in anger?”

  • Democrats: 16% Yes
  • Republicans: 10% Yes

“Have you ever threatened someone with a gun?”

  • Democrats: 18% Yes
  • Republicans: 11% Yes

“Have you ever used a gun to get what you want?

  • Democrats: 13% Yes
  • Republicans: 6% Yes

Where Democrat and Republican Gun Owners Agree:

With the statement: “My friends and family know I have a gun.”

  • Democrats: 95% Yes
  • Republicans: 98% Yes

“My mental health has improved or stayed the same since owning a gun.”

  • Democrats: 94% Yes
  • Republicans: 96% Yes

“When I was growing up, at least one family member owned a gun.”

  • Democrats: 81% Yes
  • Republicans: 81% Yes

Mass shootings make me feel angry or sad.”

  • Democrats: 75% Yes
  • Republicans: 79% Yes

“I feel safer owning a gun.”

  • Democrats: 81% Yes
  • Republicans: 81% Yes

five emoji faces four smiling and one grinning nervously

ONE IN FIVE of male gun owners reported feeling anxious, worried, or inadequate when their gun wasn’t in reach.

Sixty-nine percent of these men said owning a gun makes them feel “safe.”

How Men Responded to the Statement:

“Owning a gun makes me feel like more of a man.

  • 34% Neither agree nor disagree
  • 29% Strongly disagree
  • 14% Somewhat disagree
  • 12% Somewhat agree
  • 11% Strongly agree

Men who strongly agreed with the above statement reported a . . .

  • 13x higher rate of having fired a gun in anger
  • 6x higher rate of having injured someone with a gun
  • 4x higher rate of having threatened someone with a gun

. . . than men who strongly disagreed.

angry emoji with guns

TWICE AS MANY AK-47 owns reported firing a gun in anger compared with men who own a revolver or a shotgun.

2x as many men who primarily own AK-47’s or AR-15’s reported feeling “indifferent” after hearing news of a mass shooting compared with those who own other guns.

When Those We Surveyed Respond to the Statement:

“We live in a dangerous world.

  • 51% Strongly agree
  • 32% Somewhat agree
  • 12% Neither agree nor disagree
  • 3% Somewhat disagree
  • 2% Strongly disagree

a red service bell with sound lines emanating from it

When Those We Surveyed Respond to…

The statement:

“Do you feel safer owning a gun?”

  • Men who “strongly agree” with the Second Amendment: 77% Yes
  • Men who “strongly disagree” with the Second Amendment: 58% Yes

The question:

“Has your mental health improved since owning a gun?”

  • “Strongly agree” with the Second Amendment: 31% Yes
  • “Strongly disagree” with the Second Amendment: 21% Yes

“Do you feel the same when your gun isn’t within reach?

  • “Strongly agree” with the Second Amendment: 75% Yes
  • “Strongly disagree” with the Second Amendment: 50% Yes

In general, Most Men Reported:

Their mental health has stayed the same or improved since owning a gun.

  • 64% Hasn’t changed
  • 31% Improved
  • 3% Gotten worse
  • 2% Not sure

METHODOLOGY: Men’s Health conducted this survey of 1,211 men over age 18 in the United States who owned a gun. The data-collection period spanned from April 15 to April 29, 2024. The survey was distributed to individuals using SurveyMonkey, Inc., San Mateo, California.

preview for How to Create a Routine for Good Mental Health

Author: Health Watch Minute

Health Watch Minute Provides the latest health information, from around the globe.