Eye hospital collaborates with private firm to develop augmented reality-powered device for those with low vision

Those with low vision issues arising out of diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma and TB meningitis, among other conditions, find it challenging to navigate unfamiliar spaces, avoid obstacles, recognise faces or interact in public gatherings.

Bringing hope to those with such vision problems, doctors from the city-based Narayana Nethralaya have collaborated with SHG Technologies to develop a wearable device that will help those with low vision of any cause to navigate, read and visualise objects far and near.

The device ‘Aura Vision’, which has a multi-camera integrated augmented reality (AR) capability, uses AR technology to assist individuals with various levels of vision impairment. It promotes autonomy and creates opportunities for education, employment and social interaction, contributing to an overall improved quality of life, said Naren Shetty, hospital vice-chairman.

Addressing persspersons here on Friday, Dr. Shetty said normal visual acuity is defined as 6/6, which means an individual can see clearly at a distance of six meters what a person with normal vision should see

“Low vision is a condition where the visual acuity is worse than 6/18 to 3/60 in the better eye or where the visual field is severely restricted (less than 10 degrees from central fixation). This condition cannot be corrected with standard glasses, contact lenses, medication or surgery. Low vision can affect adults and children and its causes may vary from being hereditary to trauma or due to various eye conditions such as macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma retinitis pigmentosa, retinal detachment, optic atrophy,” Dr. Shetty explained.

“Although a similar device is available in the Western countries, this is the first of its kind indigenously developed device in India. We have already started using it on some of our patients,” Dr. Shetty said.

Citing the example of a young schoolboy, who suffered trauma and lost partial vision, Dr Shetty said: “He is now able to resume studying and identify his books and stationery without anyone’s support. People with low vision face daily challenges that can create social stigma and affect mental health.”

Seetharam Muthangi, CEO and co-founder of SHG Technologies, “This device will be available in India at one-seventh the cost of its foreign counterparts.” Dr. Shetty said it would be a great opportunity for corporate companies to use their CSR funds to give the gift of sight in the form of these wearable devices to the poor.

Author: Health Watch Minute

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