Everything You Want to Know About Eye Yoga

Eye yoga involves eye movements that may strengthen the muscles in your eyes. However, there is not a large amount of evidence to support its purported benefits.

Yogic eye exercises, also called eye yoga, are movements that claim to strengthen and condition the muscles in your eye structure.

Keep reading to learn more about eye yoga, as well as information about eye exercises that can help your eyes function better.

The research on the benefits of eye yoga is mixed. While it appears to help some conditions, the studies are small and more research is needed.

To improve your eyesight

A 2018 study of eye yoga techniques for people with myopia found that they did not show significant improvement. However, more long-term research is needed.

For dry eyes

There’s no evidence that suggests that eye yoga exercises can help with the symptoms of chronic dry eye.

After cataract surgery

Some people claim that doing eye yoga after cataract surgery can help rebuild ocular strength. It isn’t a good idea to try this immediately after having a cataract removed.

Your eye needs time to heal and adjust to the artificial lens inserted during cataract surgery. Avoid rubbing your eyes, especially right after surgery. Do not attempt any kind of eye exercise after surgery.

For dark circles under eyes

Eye yoga will most likely not increase the blood flow underneath your eyes in any significant way and won’t help with dark circles under your eyes.

For eye strain

Eye yoga may work to prevent and relieve the symptoms of eye strain. In a small study of 32 college students, eye yoga exercises decreased eye fatigue.

Eye strain is related to stress, so practicing eye yoga may work in two ways:

  • stimulating the muscles that move your eye and strengthening them
  • bringing down stress levels, which can promote focus

If you wear contact lenses or glasses, you’ll want to remove them before trying these exercises.

Focus shifting

This exercise trains eye muscles while also working to improve your ability to focus.

Eye rolling

This is another eye exercise meant to help with eye strain.


You may want to finish your eye exercises with a few moments of palming, which are meant to calm you down and help you focus.

There are many other ways to keep your eyes healthy. Compared to eye yoga, the following tips are more likely to support your eye health:

More research is needed to confirm the benefits of eye yoga. However, it does not appear to help many conditions.

If you want to give eye yoga a try, there’s very little risk, no minimum fitness level, and at the worst, you’ll lose a minute or two of your time.

Speak to your doctor if you’re concerned about diminishing eyesight, dry eye, cataracts, or frequent eye strain. Keep in mind that eye yoga and other eye exercises are not a replacement for medical advice from an eye doctor.

Author: Health Watch Minute

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