Yoga for beginners: The impressive health benefits— and easy poses to try at home

Yoga is an activity that I recommend for everyone. It’s a workout that benefits both our mental and physical health, promoting relaxation, relieving stress and anxiety, building muscle and improving posture and flexibility.

Many people find yoga to be intimidating, but it’s an excellent activity for beginners, since it offers a gentle introduction to physical fitness without the need for intense exertion. Plus, it can be easily adapted to suit any fitness level. Beginners can start with basic poses and gradually progress as their strength and flexibility improve. The practice also encourages self-awareness and mindfulness, helping individuals connect more deeply with their bodies and minds.

What is yoga?

Yoga is an ancient practice that originated in India thousands of years ago. It combines physical postures, breathing techniques and meditation to promote physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. The word “yoga” comes from the Sanskrit word “yuj,” which means to unite or integrate, symbolizing the union of body, mind and spirit. The physical aspect of yoga, known as asanas, involves different poses that improve flexibility, strength and balance. By focusing on the present moment and letting go of stress and distractions, those who practice yoga can achieve a sense of tranquility and clarity. 

Types of yoga

There are several types of yoga you may have heard of. Each type offers unique benefits, so you can choose the one that best fits your needs and preferences:

  • Hatha yoga. The most common type of yoga, which focuses on physical postures (asanas) and is slow-paced and gentle, making it perfect for beginners.
  • Hot yoga, sometimes called Bikram yoga, which is performed in a heated room following a set of 26 poses. The heat helps to increase flexibility and detox the body through sweating.
  • Restorative yoga is a version that uses props, like blocks, bolsters and blankets, to support the body and is designed to promote deep relaxation and stress relief.
  • Prenatal yoga focuses on poses that support the body as it changes to prepare for childbirth and helps to strengthen the pelvic floor.

Benefits of yoga

Yoga offers a wide range of health benefits for people of all ages, including the young, elderly, those who are pregnant and people in need of low-impact exercise. Yoga can improve flexibility, strength and coordination while also helping to manage stress and anxiety. Yoga also enhances balance, mobility and joint health, which can reduce the risk of falls and improve overall quality of life for older adults. Pregnant women can benefit from adding prenatal yoga to their routine, which helps to alleviate common pregnancy discomforts, such as back pain and swelling, while also preparing the body for childbirth by strengthening the pelvic floor muscles and promoting relaxation. Yoga fosters mental wellbeing and emotional resilience, making it a valuable practice for managing the various changes and challenges that come with different stages of life.

Yoga poses for beginners

If you’re new to yoga, here are some great beginner poses to start with. I recommend trying them as a way to warm your body up in the morning or before a walk or wind your body down at the end of the day.

Butterfly pose

Sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you and your back straight. Bend your knees out to the sides, bringing your feet in toward your body until the soles of your feet touch. Grab both feet with your hands for extra support. Slowly lean forward until you feel a stretch in the hips. Hold for 30 seconds.

Cat cow 

Start on all fours with your hands below your shoulders and knees below your hips. Breathe in while lifting your head up toward the ceiling. Arch your back as you breathe in, moving your stomach toward the ground. Then, exhale while pulling your chin to your chest and pulling your abs in so that you arch your back toward the ceiling. Continue alternating back and forth for about one minute.

Child’s pose

Kneel on the floor so that your shins and tops of your feet are on the ground. Bend at your hips, moving your hands forward and your butt back. Inch your hands out in front of you until your stomach is resting on your thighs and your arms are stretched straight out in front of you, palms on the floor. Focus on your breathing, and take it slow.

Sun salute

Take each pose slow the first few times, and as you become familiar with them begin to string them together into one, continuous flow, which we refer to as a sun salutation. Follow these instructions to perform each part of the flow:

Mountain pose into raised arms pose (Urdhva Hastasana)

Stand up straight with your arms by your sides and take a deep breath in. From mountain pose, inhale and bring your arms toward the ceiling, reaching the fingertips up toward the sky and rooting down through the heels.

Forward fold

As you exhale, reach your arms out to the sides and down toward the floor into a forward fold. Try to touch your fingertips or palms to the floor. If you can’t, bend at the knees just a little or place a yoga block in front of you that you’re able to reach.

Half lift

From forward fold, press your fingertips into your shins and inhale. Bring your shoulders back, and lift your chest away from your thighs so that your back is flat, forming a 90-degree angle at the hip. Look forward without straining your neck and avoid rounding your spine.  

Exhale and return to forward fold. Bring your chest closer to your thighs and reach your fingers down toward the floor in front of you.

Swan dive up and then back to center

From forward fold, take a deep breath in and bring your hands out to the sides as you bring your torso up to standing. Reach your arms up toward the sky and then bring the palms together at the center of your chest.  

High lunge

Step your right foot forward and lunge into the front leg, forming a 90-degree angle at your knee. Reach the heel of the left foot up and toward the back wall as you press down with the left toes. Reach your arms out to the sides and up toward the sky, alongside your ears, lifting your chest and head up, too. Take a deep breath and focus on your balance. Then come back to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

Modified downward facing dog

If you don’t have the flexibility to perform a downward dog, this is a good modification that will help you get there. Place your palms flat on the wall in front of you. Back your feet away from the wall and bend slightly at the knees. Keep your back in line with your palms so that your upper body forms a straight line. Engage the core to keep your spine straight. Hold for five slow breaths.

Yoga poses cobra


Lie face down on a yoga mat. Place both palms flat on the mat directly beneath your shoulders. Add a bend to your elbows, keeping them tucked into your sides. Inhale, then raise your chest off the mat as you exhale. Roll your shoulders back, keeping your neck neutral. Maintain the position for up to 30 seconds.

yoga poses tree pose

Tree pose

Begin standing tall with your back straight. Keep your right foot flat on the ground. Bend your left knee and bring the left foot to the inside of your right thigh. For a modification, you can place the foot onto the calf or even onto the ankle. Make sure to point your bended knee outward toward the side of the room. Place your hands together in prayer position at your chest and hold for 30 seconds. Then repeat on the other side.

Yoga pose Warrior II

Warrior II

Start in a wide stance with both feet pointed forward and your arms straight out to your sides. Turn your right foot and knee to face the right side of the room. Turn your left foot on a slight diagonal toward the right foot. Bend the right knee so that it tracks over the second toe on the right foot and look over the right fingertips. Keep the left leg straight. Make sure your torso stays centered over the hips. Relax the shoulders, and bend the knee so much so that the right thigh is parallel to the floor. Check to see if you need to scoot the right foot forward to keep the right knee over the right ankle. Hold for 3 breaths, then press the right leg straight and switch sides.

Yoga poses plank


Begin at the bottom of a pushup position with your palms flat on the ground under your shoulders and your feet stretched out behind you. Push the ground away from you to lift your body up off the ground, balancing on your hands and toes. Make sure to keep your hips from sagging down by engaging the muscles in your legs and abdominals. Hold for 10 seconds, rest, then repeat two more times.

Author: Health Watch Minute

Health Watch Minute Provides the latest health information, from around the globe.

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