Yoga for Women’s Health: Amazing Benefits of Daily Yoga Asanas for Hormonal Balance, Stress Relief, and Well-Being

Yoga for Women’s Health: Top hidden health benefits of daily yoga asanas for better sleep, hormonal balance, stress relief, and overall well-being. Start your journey today!

Yoga for Women's Health: Amazing Benefits of Daily Yoga Asanas for Hormonal Balance, Stress Relief, and Well-Being
Yoga for Women’s Health: Health Benefits of Daily Yoga Asanas for Hormonal Balance, Stress Relief, and Well-Being
VerifiedVERIFIED By: Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, Author, Columnist, Founder of Akshar Yoga Kendraa.

Written by Satata Karmakar |Published : March 9, 2025 1:43 PM IST

Yoga is a powerful practice that offers physical, mental, and emotional benefits that can enhance a woman’s overall well-being. Women often keep juggling between career, family, and social responsibilities, which can lead to stress and fatigue. As women age, it is very important to take care of joint health and manage PMS and menopause symptoms. Taking time out for yoga can be transformative.

In this article, Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, Author, Columnist, Founder of Akshar Yoga Kendraa, tells us more about why every woman should prioritize her well-being through yoga.

1. Improvement in Sleep cycle & Sleep Quality

Women struggle with sleep due to stress or hormonal changes. Practices like deep breathing allow women to reconnect with themselves and find inner peace. Shitali Pranayama can be practiced to calm the mind. It relieves stress and tension and is beneficial for sleep. It also calms inflammation throughout the body.

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Shitali Pranayama Technique

Sit in sukhasana, straighten your back and close your eyes. Place your palms in Prapti mudra. Extend your tongue out and fold its sides to form a tube-like shape. Inhale deeply through your rolled tongue. Exhale through your nostrils. Repeat 10-15 times.

2. Building Resilience

Constantly working leads to fatigue and affects physical health and overall quality of life. Our lifestyle has undergone significant changes, affecting our connection with nature. The Healing Walk -an ancient technique revived from the Himalayas can help restore balance.

The Healing Walk Technique

Stand upright with hands raised straight overhead, maintaining shoulder distance apart, and initiate the walk. Walk barefoot for maximum benefits. You can start from 30 secs to 1 min. and gradually progress to 3-5 mins.

This practice boosts energy flow, enhances blood circulation, supports deep breathing and relieves physical tension.

3. Balance Hormones

Nowadays, majority of women suffer from many hormonal issues like Thyroid disorders, PCOS, etc. due to sedentary life style, stress and poor dietary habits. It is imperative for women to understand and take care of their body and set a natural rhythm of their hormonal cycles to have a healthy future.

Yoga aids to regulate the hormonal imbalances alongwith improving internal communication of body. Thus, by establishing robust internal communication, between each and every cell of the body, yoga empowers women to ensure physical, mental and emotional well being.

Asana like, Halasana(Plough Pose) promotes hormonal harmony and emotional stability.

Formation of Halasana (Plough pose)

Lie down on your back, place your palms on the floor beside your body. Using your abdominal muscles , lift your legs and allow it to fall behind your head, enable your toes to touch the floor behind. Try to bring your chest as close to your chin as possible. Hold the asana for 10 secs. Yoga is much more than physical practice, its for self=love and self-respect.


Even 10-15 mins of yoga daily can make a difference. You can choose a practice that suits you. Listen to your body and avoid pushing too hard. Regular practice can give good results. By prioritizing health and happiness, a woman not only benefits herself but also creates an effect of positivity and strength around her.

Author: Health Watch Minute

Health Watch Minute Provides the latest health information, from around the globe.

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