The 6 Expert-Approved Diets That Are Actually Worth Trying

Want to eat more and still lose weight? Volumetrics may be for you.

Volumetrics is a plan that lowers the energy density (or caloric content) of meals by increasing the liquid content of your meals with salads, soups, stews, chilis, etc., says Bonci. Some key advantages of this diet are the visual appearance of more food on your plate and the fact the food takes up more room in the gut, so you feel fuller for longer.

“The beauty of volumetrics is that the plate/bowl is not tiny, but the calories are lower since some are displaced by having a higher fluid content,” says Bonci. “Plus, foods such as soups, stews, salads require a utensil and take longer to eat.”

This principle can also be applied to shakes where volume can increase with veggies, ice, frozen fruit, and yogurt without such a high calorie cost.

Author: Health Watch Minute

Health Watch Minute Provides the latest health information, from around the globe.

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