A team providing mental health care across Wolverhampton and Walsall is providing a “gold standard” service, according to an NHS Trust.
The group of 16 make up the older adults mental health team, and focus on people with delirium and dementia, as well as complex patients.
A Care Quality Commission (CQC) report found the team to be fully compliant and safe to care for patients under the mental health act, said Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust (RWT).
The group are employed by both RWT and Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust, and have grown in number from six in 2020.
“A lot of work has been carried out and improvements made for people with mental health problems,” said Caroline Walker from RWT.
The staff treated each patient as their own loved one, and the support and kindness shown had “made a huge difference,” said Dr Manjeet Shehmar, chief medical officer at Walsall Healthcare.
In addition to caring for older patients, the team also provides mental health support and guidance across the wider hospital trusts.