Do you feel a sharp shooting pain in your eyes and a strong urge to rub away that pain? You might be making it worse for your eyes this way. Sharp eye pain might be a serious health concern that you should never ignore. Let’s learn the top 5 common causes of eye pain.
The eyes, the most delicate part of our body, are our lenses to see the world. They are one of the 5 senses of the body and hence, need our utmost care. However, in today’s hectic lifestyle and busy schedules, we often neglect taking care of our eyes. Whenever we feel uncomfortable around the eyes, we rub them so hard that it makes the nerves appear red inside the sclera, the white part of the eyes. Touching the eyes with unwashed or dirty hands also harms the eyes by transferring the bacteria from fingers to the eyes. All these factors may contribute to a bigger problem concerning the eyes and can be very discomforting and painful.
Some people ignore eye pain thinking it would go away on its own. While some eye pain goes away in some time, some remain for a longer time and may create lifetime trouble like blurred vision, partial blindness, or complete blindness. This is why consulting an eye specialist in case of sharp pain in the eye is highly advisable.
5 Common Causes Of Sharp Pain In Eye
The area around the eyes is thinner than the rest of our skin. They are more prone to getting sunburnt, pigmented or looking aged. There are various factors affecting our eye health. Let’s discover what causes pain in the eye so hard that sometimes it comes with a bad headache too.
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Dirt And Dust
When dirt particles or dust get into your eyes, they may cause irritation or pain. Even the tiniest dust particle can cause extreme discomfort in the eye. However, they can be easily removed by simply splashing some water in the eyes. If not removed immediately, they can harm the cornea and scratch it causing minor injuries. Some people are also allergic to dust which can trigger a sharp pain in the eye.
Eye Infection
Eye infections happen with symptoms like pain, inflammation, reddish or pinkish eyes. An infection can happen due to many reasons but most likely when you touch your eyes with dirty hands or wash them with contaminated water. It is caused by bacteria, viruses or fungus that may also result in watery eyes and pain.
Wearing Glasses/lens Wrong
Wearing the wrong glasses may also impact your eyesight to a great extent. A person with blurred vision must always wear the correct lenses after getting an eye checkup. One must also get their eyes checked every six months. If you wear lenses, make sure your hands are clean and your nails are not touching them to prevent infection.
Digital Eye Strain
Digital eye strain refers to the strain on eyes due to excessive screen time. Spending too much time in front of laptop or mobile screen can lead to eye strain. This may cause headaches and migraines. This can lead to symptoms like dry or itchy eyes, watery eyes, blurred vision and pain.
Eye Injury
Eye injury can happen when the eye is hit hard or when debris gets into the eye, causing pain and discomfort. An eye injury must be taken very seriously. It can lead to sharp pain in the eye along with bleeding and swelling. While a cold or warm compress may give relief temporarily, it is always better to go to a doctor.
Although some of the eye pain causes are simply harmless but when ignored for a long time, they can lead to serious eye health issues. This is why eye doctors suggest washing your eyes properly when you come back home to clean away the dirt. If your pain worsens or you notice blood in your eyes, seek medical attention immediately.