IF YOU ARE an outdoor junkie and fitness lover, then you need to check out the epic REI’S outlet section that just dropped. Unlike previous REI deals our editors have covered, this August sale includes way more camping essentials and outdoor gear than we’re used to seeing. We’re talking weatherproof shells, bikes, tents, and more up to 70% off. As for brands? Patagonia, Hoka, Osprey, Vuori, The North Face—you name it—is all fair game until the sale ends Monday, August 13th.
Some of the best sales happening include summer style pieces like swim trunks, shorts, and running shoes. There are also great deals on fall gear like boots, flannels, and camping bags, for those looking to get a stylish jump on the next season. The cool thing is all shoppers have dibs on these deals. Remember though, REI Co-op members do get free standard shipping on all orders and special discounts and coupons, so if you have a membership you’ll be positioned to save more.
Best Editor-Approved REI August Deals
What’s the Difference Between REI and REI Outlet?
Most of us are aware REI is home base for all things recreational equipment. From hiking to camping, to climbing and fishing, you can find almost any piece of gear you need from all the top brands. The REI Outlet is much like a “last chance to buy” section for the outfitter, holding all of its past-season gear and its famous flash sales.
How to Use an REI Co-op Membership
Member exclusive sales are just one part to the perks of having an REI Co-op membership. Other benefits include 10% giveback on eligible purchases year-over-year, free shipping coupons and flash coupons, discounts on equipment servicing and gear rentals, discounts on member events, and more.
If you are someone who has shopped an REI sale in the past—whether it be for running shoes, camping equipment, travel gear, etc—then we recommend buying the $30 lifetime membership. Think about it: you can make that $30 back in savings today if you spend your 20 percent discount on an item that’s over $150. What are you waiting for?
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