8 of the Best High Fibre Foods to Add to Your Diet (and the Benefits of Eating More Fibre)

‘Small, but mighty, nuts and seeds are packed full of fibre, and as little as 20g a day can significantly boost your intake. I’d recommend adding flax seeds or hazelnuts to your breakfast for a good start to the day. Flax seeds give you both soluble and insoluble fibre to support your gut health and bowel regularity and hazelnuts to lower cholesterol,’ recommends Vickers.

15g serving of chia seeds = 5g of fibre
30g serving of flaxseeds = 7g of fibre

Top tip: Try making your own trail mix and sprinkle it on breakfast cereal, porridge, salads or eggs, for a boost of fibre and texture to your meals.

Author: Health Watch Minute

Health Watch Minute Provides the latest health information, from around the globe.