THE HARDEST PART of any fitness journey is getting started. The second hardest part: sticking with it. It’s in this second phase that you can’t help but doubt yourself, as you struggle to find motivation, measure your progress, and keep pushing.
Trust me, I know. When I first started strength training, everything seemed easy. Then a month in, the workouts felt stale, the strength gains slowed down, and everything just seemed less fun. What I needed was an ultra-smart roadmap that helped get me excited in the gym while making gains.
And that’s exactly what I’m giving you now: Introducing MH Muscle, my new fitness newsletter. Three times per week (on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays), I’ll deliver a badass workout straight to your inbox. The best part? You can open it up and get right to your workout, no extra clicks required. The Sunday workouts will be free to anyone who signs up; the additional, more targeted workouts throughout the week are exclusive to those who upgrade to MH MVP (and you should do this, by the way, because you get a truckload of other perks beyond MH Muscle, too).
The goal of MH Muscle is simple: It’ll let you focus less on choosing exercises and more on delivering strong results. In every email, I’ll set the tone for you, telling you how and why you’ll be doing the moves to come. Then I’ll give you the reps, sets, and sequences for that day, along with all the details you need to get the most out of the workout.
And you’ll get more than that, too: I’ll explain the science of why we’re training the way we are (my unique approach gets you muscle gains while also increasing your healthspan, a.k.a. your healthy years), share personal stories from my own fitness journey, and give you deep-cut insights into my perspective on what’s going on in the fitness world (spoiler alert: Pilates is…fine? It’s also not nearly as beneficial as the Internet makes it seem these days).
It’s all meant to save you time on building workouts so you can focus on going hard. You’ll master classic moves, learn new ones, and gradually understand exactly how it all fits together to get you to your fittest self. So what are you waiting for? Sign up and let’s go!